Dagan's Power Ritual
by High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
  1. This Ritual is based on vibrating the Runes and making certain affirmations. Raising your energies before the Ritual is advised.
  2. The Sigil that is provided is the point of focus where this Ritual is upon. It is this Sigil here.
  3. The Runes that are done here, can be vibrated around the centre of the Sigil where the Shenu Protection Ring is. You can imagine this lighting up so much, like the Sun has a layer of light surrounding all of it.
  4. Vibrate these Runes in a short version [ie, do not draw the runic vibration on a very big breath, especially for those who are new and can't do that many vibrations].
  5. When you affirm that the curses etc are going back to their senders, it can help to imagine this.
  6. The Ritual contains 160 Runic Vibrations, which is about 1 and a half circle of a Mala beads. If you can't do that many, reduce all the number of vibrations to 5.

Start by Vibrating the letters of the Runes and then affirming once the following:

Ansuz Rune

Ansuz x10

Lagur Rune

Lagur x10

Dagaz Rune

Dagaz x10

Then affirm ONCE:

Dagan, Great Lord of the Sea of the Human Mind,
Blessed are you by us, The Initiates of the Joy of Satan.
Excellent is your Wisdom,
Ultimate is your power over the Sea of the Human Mind.

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Lagur Rune

Lagur x10

Dagaz Rune

Dagaz x10

Berkano Rune

Berkano x10

Then affirm ONCE:

You, Dagan, are a Patron of Inspiration, Creativity, and Spirituality.
Grand is your rule over the unconscious mind of humanity.
Satan, your Lord and Father, has instated you highly into His Glory,
Listen to us, who bless you in Satan's Name.

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Tyr Rune

Tyr x10

Ansuz Rune

Ansuz x10

Odhal Rune

Odhal x10

Then affirm ONCE:

Dagon, Great God, Once ruling the Philistines,
Your people have perished from the genocide of the Jews against them,
Now we bring you inside a New and Beautiful Home,
We are your People, we are your Fellowship.

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Sowilo Rune

Sowilo x10

Berkano Rune

Berkano x10

Wunjo Rune

Wunjo x10

Then affirm ONCE:

Do not mourn, Great God, for you are an immortal.
The memory of your People will live in the aeons, and so will you!
Bless us to carry you forth into the minds and souls of mankind!

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Raidho Rune

Raidho x10

Berkano Rune

Berkano x10

Wunjo Rune

Wunjo x10

Then affirm ONCE:

Bless us, the Disciples of Satan, members of the Joy of Satan Ministries,
With wealth, honor, and acclaim,
Bless our Spirits with intelligence, spiritual aptitude, and Wisdom,
Bless us all, as we bless you in your New Home!

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Vibrate X10 DAGON AENAOS and then affirm Once:

"Dagon, Dagan, Zagan,
Great One of the Seas,
Glorified and upheld is your Name,
Steady and plentiful are your people,
Eternal and Established is your Name!"

For the last step of the Ritual, vibrate the following triad, 10 times:

"Dagan, Zagan, Dagan!" - Repeat this x10 times.

Then affirm:

"Blessed is your Name, Blessed are You, Blessed are We all!"

And close the Ritual With a big "HAIL SATAN!"

Final Step:

After you are done with this, you can meditate on Dagon's Sigil in the Joy of Satan or the one below. Let yourself be immersed and receive energy from the Demon Dagon.

It's important to meditate on yourself after the Ritual calmly for a few minutes.

Ritual Notes:
सत् = SAT, real, true, truthful in Sanskrit

To pronounce the Runes

Raising your Energies

Offline Version

The Symbol that encapsulates the Sigil: The Shen Ring, Egyptian Hieroglyphic language. The Shen also survived in Chinese tradition as a glyph for Spiritual Force, Divine Force, and God.

The letters of the sigil inside: The Ancient Greek letters for Dagon's name in arrangement.

Sigil For Focus: