Balaam Power Ritual
by High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
  1. This Ritual is based on vibrating the Runes and making certain affirmations. Raising your energies before the Ritual is advised.
  2. The Sigil that is provided is the point of focus where this Ritual is upon. It is this Sigil here.
  3. The Runes that are done here, can be vibrated around the centre of the Sigil where the Shenu Protection Ring is. You can imagine this lighting up so much, like the Sun has a layer of light surrounding all of it.
  4. Vibrate these Runes in a short version [ie, do not draw the runic vibration on a very big breath, especially for those who are new and can't do that many vibrations].
  5. When you affirm that the curses etc are going back to their senders, it can help to imagine this.
  6. The Ritual contains 160 Runic Vibrations, which is about 1 and a half circle of a Mala beads. If you can't do that many, reduce all the number of vibrations to 5.

Start by Vibrating the letters of the Runes and then affirming once the following:

Sowilo Rune

Sowilo x12

Tyr Rune

Tyr x12

Wunjo Rune

Wunjo x12

Then affirm ONCE:

"Balaam, Legendary Prophet of the Line of Peor, Descended from Beelzebul Himself,
Eternal is your Memory and Eternally you are blessed.
All false accounts against your name and all testaments of your enemies are erased.
The weight of the sins against you now falls upon your enemies and slanderers!

Great is your Story, Great Were your Acts,
Enough to shake heaven and Earth"

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Ansuz Rune

Ansuz x12

Raidho Rune

Raidho x12

Fehu Rune

Fehu x12

Then affirm ONCE:

For your acts of defiance of the enemy, the Gods have deified you. It was you who looked upon Israel and said:

"This impious Nation of warmongers and Nation of the unholy, shall now experience the wrath of the Gods.
"They shall no more murder the innocent, they shall no more make unholy temples.
"They shall not ever again victimize the Gentiles and their sons of the Gods with their impunity that brings injury against the Lords of Heaven and the Innocent people they repress."

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Ansuz Rune

Ansuz x12

Kenaz Rune

Kenaz x12

Eihwaz Rune

Eihwaz x12

Then affirm ONCE:

So it is written by the Gods:

Balaam went on top of the mountain, and petitioned the Great Lord of Heavens Beelzebul and said:

"Father, I see Great injustices done against your people and Your Holy Name. May the spirit of prophecy descend upon me, may the power of the Heavens come down to punish the impious and genocidal Nation of Israel."

As the Gods heard Balaam, the most holy and most pious and noble of heart, they declared and accepted his plea:

"We will grant you great power, we will grant your request and all your requests, now and for all time to come. Israel shall get what she deserves! Go now and curse Israel with an eternal curse, for as they continue their crimes, it will expand upon the aeons with the force of the Heavens and all of the host of spirits and Gods will be on your side. Your power will be undisputed and known in the Aeons".

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Ansuz Rune

Ansuz x12

Eihwaz Rune

Eihwaz x12

Tyr Rune

Tyr x12

Then affirm ONCE:

So the High Priest Balaam, uttered many, but also the following words:

"Le-Ar-Siy, Aket Onek Mis - Boq-Ahay Akelaho Ub-Ot Ham!" ten times [Vibrate this sentence for 10 times]

And then Lord Balaam affirmed: "Long has been your impunity Israel, which I now eternally remove.

Then Balaam continued in front of the Heavenly Assembly of the Gods: "All your crimes and all your karmic damning debts will fall upon you. I invite upon Israel the Divine Judgement of the True Gods.

Let them be judged directly and with the wrath of God.
Let all their allies desert them in battle,
Let them be cursed now and forever.
Let all their debts to mankind be repaid tenfold, now and forever, solely by them alone."

And His Prayer was fully heard by the Host of all the Divine Beings for they said "This man is Just and a God in Human form" as they deployed quickly for the Great Events that followed.

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Hagl Rune

Hagl x12

Tyr Rune

Tyr x12

Hagl Rune

Hagl x12

Then affirm ONCE:

As Balaam Uttered these words, they were eternal and powerful:

For it was written: "Now Israel is blotted out from heaven and from earth, all the sins they have committed have all been returned to them. They are no more".

Great calamities followed on Israel, never seen before by mankind, as Israel engaged itself in more evil acts until their eventual destruction.

And all the Tribe of Judah was lamenting on their days: "Cursed are we by the True Gods, who are sustaining the Gentile people. Our curses have failed, and we now shall perish for our acts. Long is our guilt, endless our misery for our acts. The Soul of Judea has been crashed in front of the whole of humanity, who now rallies us the remaining of us as slaves. Great is Balaam the Son of Peor, Mightiest is Beelzebul, forever destitute is Israel".

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Isa Rune

Isa x12

Tyr Rune

Tyr x12

Thurisaz Rune

Thurisaz x12

Then affirm ONCE:

The Curse of Balaam is Eternal on Israel,
Israel has collapsed in front of Balaam and all the Gentiles and the Gods,
The Sons and Daughers of the Lineage of Beelzebul are exalted and venerated,
Israel now and forever is defeated.

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Tyr Rune

Tyr x12

Sowilo Rune

Sowilo x12

Wunjo Rune

Wunjo x12

Then affirm ONCE:

Balaam then retreated from the mountain and immersed in deep meditation. Beelzebul appeared to His Son and said:

"Balaam, Great One, you will become a Demon for the Gentiles in all generations to come.
Venerated will be your Name in all the aeons.
All who utter blessings for you will be blessed,
All who uttered any curses in your Name, will have them all return upon them and plague them forever."

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Blessed are you Balaam, Greatest Magician and Greatest Demon,

Of Many Names are you: "Balaam, Baalim, Descendant of Beelzebul, Savior, Soter, Eternal In Power"

The Joy of Satan venerates your Name and we are blessed with magickal powers,
Supported we are eternally by you,
Your eternal allegiance defends us against all Injustice.

Vibrate 12 times: "SATANAS AENAOS"
Vibrate 12 times: "BAAL - ZEVULON"
Vibrate 3 times: "Sha Akim Tefer Makhat!"

Then Vibrate AUM once and affirm 1 time:

Blessed are you and restored in Grace Beautiful Balaam,
Protector of the People,
Great Savior,
Soter of the People.


Final Step:

After you are done with this, you can meditate on Balaam's Sigil in the Joy of Satan or the one below. Let yourself be immersed and receive energy from the Demon Balaam.

It's important to meditate on yourself after the Ritual calmly for a few minutes.

Ritual Notes:
सत् = SAT, real, true, truthful in Sanskrit

To pronounce the Runes

Raising your Energies

Offline Version

The Symbol that encapsulates the Sigil: The Shen Ring, Egyptian Hieroglyphic language. The Shen also survived in Chinese tradition as a glyph for Spiritual Force, Divine Force, and God.

The letters of the sigil inside: The Ancient Greek letters for Balaam's name in arrangement.

Sigil For Focus: